Know this everything about electronic Invoices Models

The whole world is moving towards legislating the use of invoicing. Many nations have already launched laws for it and others are progress. However, all nations don’t alloy the same model of invoicing. There are various method to apply Electronic invoicing system in the country. Two of the most popular among them is the clearance model and the post-audit model. Here we are analyzing both these models one by one and which countries have opt them. The e-invoice clearance model In the invoice clearance model, the invoice will have to be approved by corresponding tax authority before it is validated and sent. It will be registered directly in the government’s system and the administration will approve the invoice. Before this process, no invoice can be issued to the users. The government and the company will take place in real time. Most of the Latin countries have adopted clearance model. In Europe, Italy is the only country where you can find clearance model. It is implemented the...